Metabolic supremacy = girl magnet
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and this is really weird, but fascinating…
Did you know that a woman prefers a warm man?
That is, a man with a high body temperature is more attractive to a woman.
In fact, she will remember a physically warm man even long after she breaks up with him…
Because a man with a high body temperature has a hot, high metabolism…
He’s lean with strong muscles…he has low body fat, high energy, and a powerful masculine drive…
His stress hormones are low while T is high…
And a woman can sense it — deep down in her biological lizard brain…
It makes a woman feel calm and safe, and more likely to trust him.
And she can’t resist snuggling up with a hot-blooded man, feeling his warm hands on her skin…
And I’m showing you a very easy way to become one of these warm men women love…
–Matt Cook