Here’s why girls love this (and how to find these girls)

This is a message from our sponsor, Amber, who says she has proof that sexy young women her age prefer an older man for sex…
Let’s talk about friends with benefits (FWBs)…
A FWB is a girl you bang regularly…
But without any long term relationship BS…
It’s just pure, no strings attached sex… every week or so… with NO effort on your part.
Sounds like a dream come true, right?
Well what many guys don’t understand is that many women are actually a lot more open to this kind of arrangement than men are…

How men are getting rid of this sticky protein to experience “extraordinary” boners
I call it the “sticky” protein and it blocks blood flow, making rockiness almost impossible…
Because with no blood flow down there, men won’t be able to perform.
But almost nobody is talking about this “sticky” protein… nobody except me…
And it’s the key to regaining the vein-busting, eye-popping rockiness you remember as a young man…

[Quiz]: What’s the single most important factor for building muscle?
If you’ve hit the wall in your muscle growth, there IS a reason.
Which of these reasons do you think it is that’s holding you back?
(and if you get the answer wrong, you’re setting yourself up for YEARS of poor results and constant disappointment in the gym)
Get it right, and you will GROW like a weed…
So which of these things is stopping your muscles gains cold?
A. You’re not lifting heavy enough weights
B. You’re not taking enough supplements
C. You’re not eating enough quality food
D. You have poor muscle-building genetics
E. Your internal physiology isn’t optimized for building muscle
