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Hey, Matt Cook here, and as a health researcher…I’m stunned…
Did you know that more men than women are contracting the virus?
And that 70% of the nonsurvivors are men?
New research shows the virus affects the male testes, not just the lungs and digestive tract.
And this can increase the severity of the virus and weaken men’s natural immunities…
And it can also lead to significant long-term damage of the testicles…
…which can mean future “rockiness” and performance problems for men.
For life.
So what can us guys do to protect ourselves from the virus?
And what should we do if we DO get the virus?
Well, let me tell you something… I got the virus.
And I’m here now, alive and well, to tell you about it.
With no testicular damage, no lung damage.
All my actions were around not needing to go to a doctor, getting better quickly, and avoiding damage to my lungs, and my testes.
It could save your manhood!
–Matt Cook