Doctors aren’t allowed to tell you this…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and most men think nitric oxide is a really good thing.
It’s promoted by many men’s health magazines and websites, and said to make blood vessels bigger.
And it’s also promoted by the Big Pharma companies… they use nitric oxide in all the popular rockiness treatments.
It’s a key part of how the treatments work — or rather, how they’re SUPPOSED to work.
So the pharmaceutical reps are always filling the doctor’s ears with how good nitric oxide is…
But here’s the truth — nitric oxide is actually very bad for you and doesn’t improve blood flow.
Nitric oxide is a chemical produced by the body that should only be used as a last resort, for emergencies.
The more of it you have, the unhealthier it is.
Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to literally leak — called vascular permeability.
Nitric oxide stops the delicate Leydig cells from producing testosterone:
And it even destroys the delicate cells in the testes:
Still think boosting nitric oxide is a good idea?
So you can see now why rockiness treatments don’t work for so many men.
It’s because they work by increasing nitric oxide.
In this pioneering study, rockiness treatments were shown to destroy the delicate testes in male rats:
These rockiness treatments seem to hurt the delicate tissues in the male genitals…
And they don’t improve penile blood flow, the real cause of most rockiness problems.
So again, once I learned nitric oxide was bad, I hit a brick wall… there were times when I wanted to just give up…
But I knew I was SO close to a solution that I just had to keep pressing forward…
Until finally, one winter day, I found it…
–Matt Cook