And a free gift
Hey, Matt Cook here, and we don’t hear enough about our heroes…
I believe fathers are our heroes, the men who lead households and set examples for their kids.
My father is definitely a hero in my eyes.
He was a practicing MD from 1951 to 2014 and he truly helped people have healthier, happier lives.

For most of his career, he dedicated his life to reading medical studies and seeking out new treatments for his patients.
He could do what he felt was in good conscience, what was best for his patients.
But then Big Pharma came along and the medical industry changed…
They took over the boards and they started using their influence to get doctors to prescribe more of their expensive treatments.
But my father felt like a lot of these Big Pharma treatments were wrong.
For example, he was very much against all the statin drugs for cholesterol.
They’re dangerous and have a lot of unwanted side effects, especially for men.
But the thing is, Big Pharma doesn’t care what doctors think. And they don’t give doctors a choice.
So my dad got into terrible trouble with the medical board one day because of his practices…
…that THEY said were not within what is called the “standard of care.”
But you should know that my dad was a terrific doctor. His patients loved him.
And they loved him because he did what was in his best judgment.
Despite that, people came to his house dressed like a SWAT team and put him in handcuffs and arrested him.

I had to pay for his attorney defense costs because they had seized all of his bank accounts and wouldn’t let him have any of his own money.
And they are allowed to do this — arrest you and “freeze” your accounts until AFTER the trial.
And by then, he was almost 90, so he just quit practicing medicine altogether.
But what they did to him was a terrible thing…
And not long after “retiring” from medicine, he was taking all these new Big Pharma treatments that doctors were prescribing him.
My poor dad ends up with diabetes and dementia, and wastes away in a nursing home…

It killed me to see him like that.
Because before that, he was spry and healthy and never missed a day of work in his life!
My dad always tried to do what he felt was right no matter what it cost him.
He’s my hero in many ways, the dad who taught me right from wrong.
I’m trying to make him proud by being a health researcher and bringing men safe, natural remedies and protocols that can make a world of difference.
Even though I’m not a doctor, I like to think I’m carrying on my father’s legacy.
And to celebrate my father, my hero — and all the fathers out there — I want to give every man who is reading this a gift…
One of my most sensational protocols that’s been hidden away in the vault for over a year…
This protocol is called Pleasure Centering, and it will help any man reach dizzying new heights of pleasure every time you have intercourse.
Because let’s face it — being a father and being a man in today’s world is a difficult task.
And when we get those moments away to just escape into pleasure-filled bliss with our wives or girlfriends, we want it to feel good every time.
And now it can feel more than good, it can feel intensely pleasurable from your head to toe, and I’ll show you exactly how you do this.
It’s easy, and it’s free.
From one dad to another, it’s my gift to men everywhere.
Get Pleasure Centering for free — just try my entire Sex God Transformation system for $1.
One single dollar, and you get the gift of Pleasure Centering ($197 value) AND my entire Sex God Transformation system ($2029 value).
Just click the link below and use the special code: DADS at checkout.
Get Pleasure Centering for free now
–Matt Cook