The answer may surprise you…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and the French have long had a reputation for being very pro-sex.
In fact, at one point they were ranked as one of the #1 countries having the most sex…
But not anymore.
I just stumbled onto this shocking study showing that the French are now having LESS sex than most of the world!
And it’s young people who are plunging France into a sexless new world…
And not just France… the same sort of thing is starting to happen in a lot of countries like England, the United States, Japan…
But here’s what’s really weird about Japan…
Believe it or not, older men in Japan are having the MOST sex out of anyone!
They’re calling it the “Quiet Revolution” and almost nobody knows about it…
And these men are having more sex simply by using 1 very unusual practice that both men and women love…
–Matt Cook