What I’ve discovered from the happiest country on Earth

This country has been ranked #1 for a 7th straight year

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and the United Nations just released a list of the happiest countries in the world…

And the winner is the same country as the last 7 years, actually…

The happiest country in the world is Finland — again!

And here’s something really fascinating I’ve discovered about the people of Finland…

They LOVE saunas.

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Out of 5.6 million people in the entire country, Finland has 3.3 million saunas.

That’s one sauna for every 2 people.

Men from Finland use saunas every day, sometimes multiple times a day.

They even have saunas in every government building in Finland!

And weirdly enough, I think this sauna use has something to do with why they’re so happy — and so healthy…

See what I’ve uncovered about using a sauna — surprising health and intimacy benefits for men…


–Matt Cook