This leads to more sex and more intimacy… more and more and more…
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Picture yourself waking up tomorrow next to a loving, loyal woman…
You’re cuddling and nuzzling and rubbing on each other from the moment your eyes open, connecting with your bodies…
And you’re so in sync, your desire rises and peaks together…
And the pleasure seems amplified…you feel it in your whole being…
Throughout the day, you are kissing, hugging, giving a flirty pinch…
You are acting like teenagers in love for the first time who can’t get enough of each other.
And people you know are noticing and remarking on your relationship.
They want to know your secrets!
You are the most loving, connected couple in the room everywhere you go.
And when you’re alone together, your passion for each other is so hot.
You feel like you did when you were in your twenties. Except this feels better.
You make love like you never did back then…this is something more intense, more powerful…
It is endless love. Endless passion. Endless intimacy.
And it’s all possible thanks to this one unusual practice…
–Matt Cook