No relationship is doomed — in fact, this can bring back the passion no matter how long it’s been
Hey, Matt Cook here, and have you ever heard of “Dead Drive” syndrome?
Dead Drive syndrome is what I call it when a woman loses her drive and no longer has any interest in sex.
And to know if Dead Drive syndrome is affecting the woman in your life, take this quick quiz:
Question 1: Does she say things like “I don’t feel attracted to you anymore”?
Question 2: Does she almost never initiate sex?
Question 3: Does she turn down opportunities for sex most of the time?
Question 4: Does she ever say that sex hurts or is uncomfortable?
Question 5: Does she often say she is not “in the mood”?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, the woman in your life is almost certainly suffering from Dead Drive syndrome.
And there are actually 3 different phases of Dead Drive syndrome that a woman can be in…
Stage 1: Some days she wants it, other days she can’t be bothered
Stage 2: She rarely wants it or has to be convinced first
Stage 3: She doesn’t want sex at all anymore
All stages aren’t good… and many men can start feeling like they’re doomed…
But that’s not the case! There’s no need to give up hope on having a fun, exciting, pleasurable sex life for decades to come…
Because no matter what stage a woman is in, her drive can be fully restored.
See, I’ve discovered what causes Dead Drive syndrome in women…
And from the surface leve, it can seem like LOTS of things cause it…
Stress can cause Dead Drive syndrome. Certain Big Pharma treatments.
Big life changes can cause it, and so can menopause.
But I’ve learned that none of that really matters — because at the end of the day, it all comes down to a woman’s hormones.
Women need to have precisely the right hormonal makeup for a healthy libido.
And I’ve come up with a simple little protocol that can naturally help a woman find the right balance on her own.
So with this protocol, Dead Drive syndrome can effectively be reversed.
It works by helping a woman get her hormone levels back in the right balance to fully enjoy sex.
And before you know it, she is feeling aroused again, coming onto you in the kitchen, and dragging you into bed!
It took me months and months to get this protocol right. But now it’s perfect!
And I’ve been using it with my wife, Jodi, with great success.
We have sex at least 4 times a week now and she loves it as much as I do.
And since so many of my students wish their wife or girlfriend had a higher sex drive, I want to share this for free.
I want every man to experience what life is like with a woman with a high sex drive.
So my new Up Her Drive Protocol — it’s your free.
But I can only let it go for free for a little while. At any moment, my publisher may pull the plug on this deal and it won’t be available anymore.
So if you’re interested in this, please don’t wait.
Get my new Up Her Drive Protocol for free right now and discover how simple it is to restore a woman’s drive and desire for you, even if it’s been years!
–Matt Cook