My dad is living proof that this treatment isn’t always the answer…
Dr. Ari Magill MD is a board-certified physician who believes in helping men help themselves by living naturally healthy, happy, and sexy lives. He is a paid sponsor of our newsletter.

Hey, Dr. Magill here, and if there’s ever a time when you can avoid surgery, I highly recommend it.
Surgery should be a last resort for men with prostate problems.
Of course, they don’t call it surgery.
They call it a “procedure.”
To tell you the truth, my own father went through a prostate “procedure” and now he is impotent.
And I don’t want that to happen to him, or me, or any man for that matter.
Surgery is just one of FIVE major mistakes men are making with their prostate.
Here are all 5 prostate mistakes I try to avoid and why (plus a natural method for prostate health).
Yours for better health and sex,
–Dr. Ari Magill, MD
Board Certified Physician