And now she’s matching your sexual energy which only doubles and triples the pleasure later on for you both!
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’ve discovered a slightly new form of foreplay…
…that unlocks a super sensual side to a woman…
…a side she may not indulge in very often, maybe ever…
And this new kind of foreplay can transform a shy, sexually conservative woman into a forward, flirty temptress…
So she’s instantly in the mood for sex any time, any place.
Now she’s the one initiating sex, now she’s the one grabbing your hand and and pulling you into the bedroom…
And for some men this is quite extraordinary — because many times, their wives have low libidos and almost never initiate.
For many years, this was my experience with my wife — but this new foreplay method has changed all that.
And if you’re single, just imagine how much leverage this is giving you with any new woman you meet…
You can create instant desire — instant sexual attraction — anywhere, anytime.
Whenever you meet a new woman you’re into.
And you can get her wanting you as much as you’re wanting her.
Without having to work at it, or get creative, or put yourself out there and risk rejection.
This method gives you a simple blueprint to follow that leads to sex 100% of the time — for single men and men in relationships!
–Matt Cook