“My wife is horny all the time and I don’t know what to do!”
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Years ago, I was doing this weird little activity at home in the bedroom…
…and then Jodi is cozying up to me and she wants to do it.
So I’m thinking, that’s interesting…
…and it keeps working, LOL.
So I keep doing it. We keep doing it.
And I found that there are actually 2 or 3 unusual things you can do around a woman…
…whether it’s your wife, your girlfriend, or a girl you want to get into bed…
And by doing 1 or more of these little “activities” around her, you can make her start feeling super horny…
…more aroused, more adventurous…
And wanting to have sex with you all the time!
Here is one man’s experience:
She is incessant. It first started with her randomly throughout the day grabbing and playing with clown bob down here… …it grew into her holding on almost all the time! Then our intimacy also had a change. We went from being physical once a week, to three times a week, to everyday… …and now she is going at me 3 times a day! |
Simply do 1 or more of these fun little activities with your wife or girlfriend…
And you will instantly be increasing 1 very powerful hormone that makes her feel closer to you…
And now she wants you all the time…
–Matt Cook