This will make her touch feel even better…
Hey, Matt Cook here, and imagine this…
You’re with a girl… maybe your wife or girlfriend, or a girl you’ve been talking to…
And she starts touching you…
She’s touching your leg, she’s touching you through your pants…
Her hands are working at your zipper and then she’s touching your member.
She’s rubbing on you and stroking you — and it feels SO good, you can barely stand it.

In fact, you could come right now already because every touch feels so intense.
And this is how it should be!
But instead, most men are only feeling 20-30% of the pleasure they could be feeling…
And it’s because sensitivity in the penis decreases as we age…
So even if it feels good now, just imagine what it would feel like if you restored sensitivity…
It’s like thinking you see 20/20 until you put glasses on.
Then suddenly you realize how much you’ve been missing.
And that’s how it works when you restore sensitivity into your member!
Suddenly, you’re feeling so much MORE…more pleasure and more sensation…
Here’s how you can restore up to 90% more sensitivity into your penis naturally in just a few days…
–Matt Cook