This is so weird and easily reversible…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and the number of men with chronic disease has been surging over the last decade…
Nearly 50% of American men are all suffering from a chronic disease…
…often 2 or 3 different chronic diseases at the same time…
Chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis which leaves men with nagging, aching, relentless pain in the joints…
Inflammatory bowel disease where men can’t eat anything without looking for a bathroom…
MS and Parkinson’s… diabetes… and so many more.
And horrendously, by 2030, the number of U.S. residents struggling with at least one chronic illness is expected to surpass 170 million!
Insane, right?
And what is causing it?
Well the answer has to do with, strangely enough, sugar… and not in the way you think…
–Matt Cook