And she used to hate it before I tried this
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and my wife and I take a lot of showers together.
Mostly because we have one of those big showers with his and her shower heads.
And nothing fun usually ever happens in there…
Mostly because my wife isn’t really a fan of shower sex…
…or so I thought!
Yesterday she starts coming onto me in the shower — rubbing my chest, kissing my neck…
…trailing her hands down to my package.
And when she closes her hands over my package, she lets out a gasp:
“Matt, what in the world!”
I feign innocence — watching as her eyes grow wide and a smile creeps across her face…
She tells me she can feel my member pulsing in her hands — how strong and rigid it feels…
And it makes her want me…
Like immediately.
And then we’re having shower sex for the first time in years!
And it’s all because of this sneaky little shower method I’ve been using…
–Matt Cook