One of my discoveries was almost lost forever…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and 12 years ago when I’m in Thailand with my wife…
I’m sitting at a table in a restaurant, excitedly explaining my new discovery…
…a new 30-second orgasm technique I’m planning on calling the Orbiting Pearl…
I’m writing down all the details on a spare notecard, even drawing a little diagram of this technique in action.
And then I lose it.
Somehow, the notecard never makes it out of the restaurant with me.
And for years, I’m convinced I accidentally left it behind, dropped it on the floor, or it got thrown out as trash somehow…
And the Orbiting Pearl technique gets lost forever.
Until one day, many years later, I get a call from a guy named Craig…
And this Craig guy tells me he stole the notecard from me that day in Thailand…
That he waited til I went to the bathroom and nicked it right off the table…
And I’m so shocked, I agree to a sit-down meeting with Craig…
And here’s what Craig tells me — this is a story so crazy, I almost didn’t believe it myself…
–Matt Cook