Crazy but true
Hey, Matt Cook here, and many years ago, before I decide to become a full-time health researcher…
…I discover something that changes my sex life forever…
So the year is 1977 and I’m running my own alarm company with a buddy of mine named Frank.
And one day, we have a client who has the biggest house we’ve ever seen.
I’m talking movie-star mansion type digs.
And the guy who owns it, he turns out to be a retired Colombian drug smuggler named Jose.
That’s right — he’s a living, breathing, Pablo Escobar.
(My buddy knows him very well…I’m suddenly an insider…scary stuff…in my alarm business we had many encounters with shady people, but never as badass as Jose…)
But that’s not even the craziest part of the story…
On the last day of working on this guy’s mansion, he invites us inside for drinks.
And this drug smuggler, Jose… he tells us he’s 12 inches down there…
And trust me, we didn’t believe it either until we saw him playing tennis on his own private court.
My buddy Frank and I are looking at each other like, “WTF!”
This guy has an absolute monster in his pants — you can see the outline through his tennis shorts whether you want to or not.
And that opens up a whole conversation about my buddy’s problems in the bedroom…
My buddy, Frank, just starts spilling it to this cartel boss.
Frank says he hasn’t been able to pleasure his wife with his small member in years, how he has zero confidence as a man now…
And this is all news to me. I’m looking at my buddy with my mouth hanging open.
I never knew he was struggling like this. And I feel really bad for him.
I’m not one to brag either — my d*ck isn’t that big and I do wish it were thicker…
My main hang-up is worrying about my performance…
Will I get stiff?
Will I go soft?
Will I be small and shrunken-looking “down there” and disappoint my girlfriend?
(In those days, I wasn’t yet married to Jodi…)
Sometimes, my girlfriend at the time comes onto me in bed and I’m so worried about disappointing her that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
My penile member ends up being small and floppy, and if I can get stiff, I only stay that way for a minute…
And I’m essentially a 5-minute man in these instances, which is a really lousy feeling.
It doesn’t make you want to try again. Even if you love sex as much as I do!
But anyway, Frank is telling Jose that he’s so lucky to have a giant d*ck and that he has it made.
And I guess Jose starts feeling bad for Frank because then Jose starts spilling his truths right back at us…
Jose admits to us that he hasn’t always been this big down there…
He says there’s a secret herbal mixture he takes from his home country that makes him bigger and better in the bedroom…
An old herb lady mixed it for him long ago when he was a young man, and he says it completely changed his life.
And then Jose shocks us by writing down the list of herbs and giving it to us.
Jose explains: “You’ve been good to me. You stopped my lab from getting robbed. I always believe in returning a favor.”
And right before we leave his house for the last time, he says to us:
“Remember — this won’t turn a chihuahua into a mastiff, ok? But it will bring out your full size potential and help you with your bedroom problems.”
And with that, Frank and I leave Jose’s house and never see or talk to him again.
But we’ve both got his secret formula for a bigger, better member…
And right away, Frank is practically chomping at the bit to get his hands on these herbs in the secret formula and try it out.
But the first thing I do is start researching every herb on the list…
I want to know what each herb does and if it has side effects, if it’s safe to use…
Sure, Jose seems healthy and the proof is in his pants…
But he’s also a drug lord and treats his body differently than I treat mine.
So I start researching this secret formula, and right away, I realize that most of the herbs on this list are super rare and hard to get if you’re not living in Columbia.
Frank pretty much gives up hope when I tell him this. He resigns himself to a sh*tty sex life.
But I refuse to give up. I am determined to hunt down the herbs for this secret formula…
Because I want to help Frank and I also want to help myself.
And I want to know if Jose is telling the truth or not about this herbal formula…
So I talk to farmers, nomads, people who live off the Earth and collect herbs for a living…
And unfortunately, no one can tell me about any herbs here in the States that are the equivalent of the herbs on my list.
Finally, when I’m just about to give up, I talk to a University of California professor who blows the thing wide open.
He says to me: “Wow, aren’t you in luck!”
He says, “I’ve been researching Amazonian herbs extensively for the last 6 months, and I’ve identified several American herbs that have the same effects.
“In fact, you can find many natural herbs here in California and use those instead.”
So thanks to a bit of luck and this extremely helpful professor, I’m able to mix up my own version of this special formula.
And the rest is now history…
My buddy, Frank, starts using it and completely turns around his bedroom life.
I start using it and am blown away by what it does to my performance.
To this day, I still use this special formula whenever I want to be a bit thicker “down there” and guarantee I perform at my best.
Now, Jose may have swore us to secrecy and told us that we could never share his secret formula with anyone else…
…but here’s the thing…
I’ve changed the formula, perfected it, and now it’s my own little secret that I can share with whoever I want.
And I would be glad to share this with any man who wants to boost his size and improve his performance.
Just go here to get the secret formula for free
–Matt Cook