Here’s the reason men are so deflated down there…
Hey, Matt Cook here, and before I became a full-time health researcher…
…I struggled with rockiness and performance problems…
I would feel the desire with my girlfriend (and eventually my wife), but the more I wanted to do it, the less it seemed to want to respond “downstairs.”
It killed some of my relationships…and when I got married, my wife was very patient and understanding but it hurt there too.
I overcame all that and now I help over 40,000 men reclaim their sex life.
And in my work, I have slowly began realizing that as us guys get a little older, the rigidity of our penis is a little less, and sometimes a lot less than it was…
I call it the “male aging monster.” And for a few years, I made it my life’s work to figure out how to slay the monster.
At first I thought it was a matter of just desensitization. Desensitization is at the root of many or most “rockiness” problems — but not this problem.
This male aging monster has to do with hormones.
Most men think it’s low testosterone…but even men who are getting extra testosterone from their doctor are experiencing the same problems…
So I knew it wasn’t just low T.
And I spent years experimenting with this idea of rolling back the clock on performance by slaying this hormone male aging monster…
…so much more than testosterone, as I’ll show you in a moment.
And after years of study, here’s what I’ve found…
I’ve found that men into their 40s and older often have high estrogen and high prolactin levels.
Estrogen is needed in men, just as it is needed in women.
But as men age, they often have too much estrogen, even more than their girlfriends or wives!
All that estrogen tends to kill “rockiness” and also it causes belly fat and overall softness and lack of masculine performance.
So I set about to lower estrogen…which worked…sorta.
It didn’t quite slay the male aging monster.
There was another issue.
Prolactin is almost like a high powered “super” estrogen, so it’s even worse for men in high amounts than estrogen is.
And it’s these high levels of estrogen and prolactin combined — that cause belly fat in men, even the dreaded “man boobs” where the chest gains fat…

Prolactin causes health issues like heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, even prostate issues…
In the male aging monster…the problem is BOTH too much estrogen AND too much prolactin.
Yes: high estrogen and high prolactin in men can have devastating effects on rockiness and performance…
And get this: when estrogen and prolactin get too high, testosterone FALLS…
So you have:
- low testosterone
- high estrogen
- high prolactin
A very, very bad combination for rockiness and for health.
You might think that doctors would test men for estrogen and prolactin and that they would be aware of this problem…
But they do not test for it and they are not aware of the problem.
Big Pharma has no interest in it.
Doctors just peddle T shots gels or patches…and these make estrogen even HIGHER.
If they do test for estrogen, they just perform a blood test of estradiol, which does not indicate true levels of estrogen in the male body.
And they almost never test prolactin.
And yet, the male aging monster gets worse and worse…
…men can start to suffer from different performance issues like no rockiness, poor rockiness, low sex drive, and the inability to finish…
…along with manboobs, belly fat, prostate inflammation and much worse…
Medically, high prolactin is called hyperprolactinemia…

So if you have been suffering from rockiness and performance problems that just never seem to get better, no matter what you do…
…it could be high estrogen and high prolactin…
And if you can lower estrogen and prolactin, you may be able to restore amazing rockiness and performance…
…and even improve things to be even better than they were when you were a young man.
So what can men do to lower estrogen and prolactin, and improve sexual performance?
I think I know the solution… watch this short video that shows you my discovery…
–Matt Cook