A way to get girls to do it with you more often…
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So one thing us guys love is more nookie, right? And nothing is easier than sending a brief text…
…so I found this text message…just send it to your girlfriend, or send it to some girl you just met…
…and see that she isn’t down to do the dirty with you…I used it just the other night and I ended up doing the horizontal with her…
Here is the text you should send
And speaking of texts, you know how girls give you some stupid ass test? She asks you to buy her a drink, or she asks you to help her move and you barely know her…
…guys make CLASSIC mistakes when girls sh*t test them this way.
Do NOT do what she asks, or you will go down on the list of other p***sy guys who she will NEVER see as a romantic partner.
Here is what to do instead if you are going on lots of first dates but never second to third dates
Finally, today’s young guys are so thoroughly de-balled that they don’t know how to meet girls.
They have their heads buried in their phones and their dicks in their hands.
Well guess what. The playing field has NEVER been better for older guys.
–Matt Cook