After months of being stuck in the friend zone, this got RJ out in under a week…
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Hey my name is RJ and I just went from the “friend zone” to the “bone zone” in a little less than a week…
Simply by using this weird lens method to get the girl I really, really like to finally like me back…
And I’m not telling you this to brag, but to show you how powerful this weird lens method is…
…and how you should only use it if you’re prepared for a woman to come up and approach you at a bar or in the grocery store and strike up a conversation…
…and start throwing every signal your way — the hair flip, the fluttering eyelashes, the girlish giggle, the gentle hand on your arm…
…and if you’re really fortunate, a promising kiss on the lips that will really stoke your fires…
Girls you want, now want you. So if you’re not ready for that level of success, then please…
…resist clicking here and watching this video…
Your friend,
(RJ is a pen name)