Believe it or not, this easy-to-learn move works even for a man who is not in good condition…it immobilizes an attacker who may have a knife or a gun…
This is a message from our friend and sponsor, Russell Stutely, who says this one simple move could save you or your loved one’s life in 3 seconds flat…
Men — let me ask you a very important question…
Have you ever worried about what would happen if you or your loved ones were SUDDENLY in a self defense situation against a big, strong, fast dude…
…and the ONLY weapon you have is YOU – it’s ‘’game on’’ and you have no idea what to do?
Well, I am going to show you an area of the body that you can strike, that will leave your opponent writhing on the floor in agony…
…in a pool of his own urine and faeces, no matter how big and strong he is…
…no matter how well muscled he is. In fact, the more muscle he has – the better this works!

You’ve never seen anything like this before…
I know you’ll love how this advanced lighting system will make it so the dark is never a problem for you again…
No flashlight does what this will do for you!
These retail for $34.97, but you’re getting it for FREE.
PLUS, as an added bonus, any customer who claims one of these for free today will also have a chance to get a $60 Light Defender Tactical Laser for FREE too!
Here’s how to this military-approved tactical defense gear for FREE.

And by the way… have you “googled” yourself yet?
You know… typed in your own name to see what came up?
Well this new search engine I’ve found exposes personal records of MILLIONS of Americans, with a simple computer search…
You could be surprised by what’s publicly available on you.
