My member was crying out for air…so she gave me some…

Hey, Matt Cook here, and one evening, I’m doing some research late into the night…
…research about men’s oxygen levels, specifically “down there”…
See, I’ve just discovered how important oxygen is for good rockiness.
It’s critical for men getting rocky, staying rocky, lasting with a woman, and looking full and engorged down there.
But no one ever talks about oxygen… So I want to know more…
And that’s why I’m reading medical studies at midnight, so fully engrossed that I don’t hear my wife come up behind me…
“Matt, are you coming to bed?” she’s asking.
“What, honey?” I literally have to tear myself away. “What is it?”
“Come to bed,” she says, giving me a look. And I want to, I really do…
But I desperately want to be able to perform better and actually pleasure my wife the way she deserves to be pleasured…
And I know oxygen is the key here… I just need to figure out how to get more oxygen down there…
My wife, Jodi, sees my indecision on my face and asks me what I’m working on.
I tell her about the oxygen breakthrough, and how it may even make me look and feel bigger…
And to my surprise, her eyes light up. “Come with me,” she says.
I’m very curious, so I follow her to the bedroom…
And then she pushes me down onto my back and takes off my pants.

“I’m going to give you mouth-to-mouth,” she says.
“Jodi,” I say with a laugh. “I don’t think that’s how it works…”
But then her mouth is on me and she’s blowing hot air all over me and I’m lost in the sensations…
It’s a wonderful feeling and my wife drives me wild that night with all her little oxygen-raising experiments.
She’s really one of the best women in the world, I’m so lucky.
Of course, what she did for me did NOT help raise my penile oxygen levels — even though I very much enjoyed it…
However, I woke up in the morning feeling so good and so inspired that I got right back to work…
And now I’m excited to tell you that I’ve discovered exactly how to increase penile oxygen levels — and it works in as little as 7 minutes.
It may not feel as good as mouth-to-mouth “down there”…
But it will make you look and feel so much bigger and perform so much better that you will be enjoying exquisite pleasure in no time.
Use this “oxygenate the penis” protocol to get a bigger, fuller member and perform better tonight!
–Matt Cook