This increases her excitement
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and men are always asking me:
“What’s your secret — how are you and your wife being intimate every day or every other day even after 30 years of marriage?”
And one tip that I’ve found incredibly effective is scheduling intimacy with my wife…
…but not in the way you think…
There’s no checking the calendar and writing it down, or anything like that.
Instead, we simply plan on a time to have intimacy and we agree to it.
For instance, I’ll say “Don’t make any plans for lunch because I’m planning on devouring you.”
Or she’ll say something like: “When I get home from these errands, I’m taking you right upstairs and going down on you!”
And knowing that it’s coming — knowing that intimacy is happening in the near future and being able to imagine how it may happen…
…that anticipation for it gets a woman very, very excited…
So now she’s thinking about intimacy with you for an extended period of time and it’s keeping her drive high…
And by the time you’re having intimacy, she’s so excited that she’s finishing easily…
…maybe even multiple times!
And this is just 1 little thing I’m doing to keep intimacy alive with my wife and continue having great intimacy even after decades together.
I actually wrote a book about everything I’m doing and all of my discoveries for continuing great intimacy until you’re 90 or 100 years old…
I call it Romance to 120 and I’m giving it away today for 83% off.
You also get my first best-selling book, Healthy to 120, with it for free.
And you also get more than $600 worth of bonus gifts, just as my thank you for trying the books out!
And join me in living a healthy, happy life to 120 where you’re enjoying intimacy with a woman every day
–Matt Cook