This is closing soon
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and as I write you, I’m looking at the ocean as the sun sets…and there are three dolphins playing out in the surf.
And then I realize, back to work, Matt!
Because it’s time for my Ask Me Anything invitation to you…and I just wanted to send out a quick reminder…
I’m doing my very first ever Ask Me Anything, and I’m doing it live very soon.
All you have to do to participate is submit your questions about male blood flow here…
Then I will be answering your questions live — and it looks like I’ll be doing this on Monday!
That means I’m going to have to close down the comment section soon and stop taking any more questions.
I’m already getting so many, and I want to be able to have enough time to answer them all.
So go here and submit your question now while it’s still open.
And keep an eye out for the video link, I’ll be sending it soon!
–Matt Cook