Welcome to Matt Cook’s Alpha Lion U
Hey, Matt Cook here, and welcome to a new world of transformations…
This is the Alpha Lion U campus, where you will be able to access all of my experiments, courses, transformation classes, protocols, newsletters, eBooks, and so much more…
This Is Your Own Personal Journey
As an Alpha Lion U student, all of this material is available for you to access at any time, from anywhere in the world… so you can be taking it at your own pace, with interaction and help whenever you need it…
With Transformations, I give men bite-size things to do at home that take only a few minutes here and there…accessible from any time zone in the world…
And with my Video Courses, I provide notes, cheat sheets, summaries, and more — and though it’s not as interactive as a Transformation class, it still results in life-changing breakthroughs…
Find health and romance breakthroughs I’ve made specifically for men…discoveries you won’t find anywhere else in the world…all backed by real science and medical studies.
Experience amazing changes with your health and romantic relationships, and become the man you’re destined to be…
Now you’re healthier, happier, and enjoying more intimacy than any other guy you know…and it just keeps getting better!
Transform at Your Own Pace
Start Your Journey Today!
Why Trust Us?
#1. Real Science, Real Studies
Every single one of my discoveries is backed by reputable scientific research and medical studies, and everything is sourced according to our strict editorial policy.
#2. I’m Here to Help
My only goal is to share everything I’ve discovered in my 22 years researching men’s health and prowess, and hopefully help other men join me in living to age 120, with great health and happiness as a man.
#3. 5 Star Customer Service Team
You can always get help anytime you need it. For anything at all, simply go to GetRapidHelp.com or call us at 877-691-3328 toll-free. We work from 9AM to 1AM, a full 16 hours, 7 days a week, even Sundays and holidays, just to help you out.
Trusted by over 45,000 students
Greetings Matt Cook …I logged in to your students courses for the knowledge you have presented me and even though I haven’t opened any of the course to begging educating myself as yet , I just want to write to let U know how intrigued and impressed I am at the numerous collection of lessons to choose from…!! Thanks you so so very much for this gift of knowledge U have made available for such a reasonable economic price that a poor person like me can afford to have access to this valuable life changing information….my sincere gratitude and appreciation
After I got into some of your programs I’ve made a lot of improvement in my body, rockiness and even my hair which was trying to thin out. I still have quite a ways to go if I want to get in top shape.
your fat depletion protocals have been working great ,ive lost 60 lbs since starting it a yr ago,from 240 to 180 ,my liver has been severly screwed up from hep c,but i was cured.
I have learned more from you than all the professors in nursing school. I am really excited about this blood sugar thing…and everything else you talk about
I have acquired several of your programs (Ageless Body, Testosterone Rewind, and others). They offer the best health advice available! Your protocols are the most science based, up to date, affordable and easy to implement. I credit them with my good health and medication free existence.
Hi Matt, Thanks for putting great information out here for us to read.
Thanks again
Hello Matt, happy memorial day. Thanks so much for remembering me on such a special day you remember your loved ones and the special gift of 3peaks secret and other very beneficial articles. I am glad to inform you that I have dropped diabetes drugs since January 2020 and have been managing my blood sugar since then. My Special regard to you and your loved ones.
–Dr. Abduljalal
Dear Matt; I just received the first issue of your newsletter, thanks it”s fabulous
Hey Matt this is Teddy I hope your doing well I just finished the 3 week fat depletion protocol and I’m impressed with the results I didn’t lose much weight however I have more energy and clarity than before and I feel like I’m retaining muscle mass better. It’s like I don’t even have to work out as hard I even go days without working out and feel fine. My temps are getting better I average around 98.0 throughout the day and fall back to 97.7 in the late evening and close to sleep. My heart rate stays at rest 80bpm to 90-100 when I’m moving around. So thank you for all that you have found and we’re willing to share it’s helping me out so much.
Working on your program for the past 3 weeks. It is everything you say it is. Seriously helped me. The best part is that I didn’t think I needed the help…I never knew how empty was my cup until it was filled.
Hey Matt, hope your doing well. My reason for not getting to read your columns is from working two jobs for the last seven months. I’m sorry I love to read and observe a lot of your work. Your a very intelligent and open minded guy who actually cares about the people who need your help. You don’t see that anymore. Keep up your passionate work. I’m a fortunate 59 year old guy that so far I haven’t had any health issues yet. Not bragging just thankful very thankful
Dear Matt, I have bought several of your courses or protocols or whatever you call them and I just wanted to let you know they work and I am so grateful for your help. You deserve a medal for saving men’s lives.
You have a great treasure of information. I know I will learn a lot from your Health Renegade Newsletters. Thank you!
Dear Matt, I Love your protocols. All of them and I shall ensure that I get all of them irrespective of what they cost. Thank you for your time, energy and resources to open our eyes to make us enjoy life far beyond our expectations.