So why do almost all male supplements either contain it or promote it?
Dr. Ari Magill MD is a board-certified physician who believes in helping men help themselves by living naturally healthy, happy, and sexy lives. He is a paid sponsor of our newsletter.

Hello, it’s Dr. Magill, and it’s come to my attention that many of my male patients are taking supplements that contain dangerous and toxic ingredients…
Supplements that promote nitric oxide.
Nitric oxide is supposedly the holy grail for men…
But in reality, it is associated with heart disease, stroke, cancer, and edema (water build up, bloating, etc.)
Don’t believe me about how bad nitric oxide is?
There are 1000 studies like this one that shows how nitric oxide harms testosterone and damages the testicles:

And like this one, that shows how nitric oxide causes sickness and death as it rises in the body:

And yet, Big Pharma claims nitric oxide is HEALTHY.
How can this be?
To find out, you have to go back to the accidental discovery of Viagra, which works by increasing nitric oxide in the body.
Big Pharma started saying nitric oxide was GOOD for you because they wanted to increase sales.
And it worked.
But men are getting very sick from increased nitric oxide.
Although this is being covered up.
The truth is: nitric oxide is designed as a last-ditch effort in your body to save cells and prevent death.
A healthy man has VERY LOW nitric oxide.
A sick man has HIGH nitric oxide.
So what to take if you are a man and you want to feel more desire, and you want stronger wood?
Here’s what I take — and now all my doctor colleagues are taking it too.
Yours for better health and sex,
–Dr. Ari Magill, MD
Board Certified Physician