This triples penile blood flow and makes the member swell up in size
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and my new discovery is called VasMax, the Vascular Maximizer…
It can be used by men who want massive blood flow and even more size…
But due to the nature of my work, I’m asking you to agree to these ground rules before I share my VasMax system with you.
So please agree to the following:
I swear I won’t misuse VasMax. VasMax can produce astounding size gains that could easily be misused by a less-ethical man.
I swear I won’t lord it over my friends. I won’t brag to my male friends, but I will tell them what I’m doing that’s working so well!
I swear that with my newfound sexual powers, I’ll take it easy on my wife or girlfriend. She will be taken by surprise if I’m performing like a 20-year-old again — so I promise to give her time to adjust!
Click here if you agree: I agree to the rules, let’s get started!
–Matt Cook