A way of restoring rockiness without pills, without supplements or devices
Hey, Matt Cook here, and years ago when I was suffering from the worst rockiness problems in my entire life…
…I was traveling around the world, trying everything, talking to experts and researchers, and basically doing all I can to get good rockiness again…
And it was a very lonely time in my life. My wife and I were physically and emotionally oceans apart.
I had very low confidence, so I was burying myself in my work, researching all day and night.
And in the very darkest of times, in the very unlikeliest of places… I discover the Taoist teachings of western Asia…

And believe it or not, many Taoist teachings are pretty sexual!
There’s drawings and texts describing very intimate acts… acts you perform with a woman and acts you perform alone…
And it’s these solo activities that I’m drawn to… the Taoists call it “solo cultivation”…
So I study solo cultivation, a very complicated, ancient practice…
And I end up simplifying it into a set of specific solo activities I can do alone — or with my wife, if she’s so inclined…
They’re just quick, simple activities that only involve your own two hands and your manhood…
And just like with solo cultivation, these solo activities pump life back into your member…and the more you do it, the more it works…
These solo activities fill the male member up with more blood flow, making rockiness possible again…

They restore sensitivity, so you feel more pleasure in your manhood…
And they extend your lasting power, so you can go for longer without having to work at it.
And there’s nothing you have to buy, nothing you have to take.
You just use these solo activities to restore rockiness the natural way.
–Matt Cook