It certainly doesn’t hurt to create some fireworks in the ol’ marital bed, LOL
Dr. Ari Magill MD is a board-certified physician who believes in helping men help themselves by living naturally healthy, happy, and sexy lives. He is a paid sponsor of our newsletter.
Hey, Dr. Magill here, and one of my closest friends recently asked me how to spice things up with his wife…
…how to get things passionate again like they were when they first met…
And after trying my suggestion, THIS happened…
“Ari, you know how my wife got a new job this year?
Well this was our first time going to her office Christmas party, and my first time meeting all her coworkers…
And I’m standing there by myself waiting for my wife to come back, when the cutest younger girl comes up to me and started talking…
She is touching my arm, being real flirty, giving me the googly eyes.
And then my wife comes back and the girl looks all disappointed.
But then it happens again!
Every time my wife leaves my side for a minute, another woman is coming up to me and introducing herself.
It’s like I’m a magnet or something.
And my wife is shooting daggers with her eyes at all these girls flirting with me.
But she wasn’t mad at me, no sir. In fact, when we got home, she put ALL the moves on me.
Suddenly my wife was super hot for me like she used to be when we were newlyweds.
We had the most amazing night making love over and over.
And I owe it all to you and your suggestion, Ari!”
Here’s what I told my best friend to try — and if it worked for him, why not you?
Yours for better health and sex,
–Dr. Ari Magill, MD
Board Certified Physician