Hi, I’m Lisa…and I almost did something really, really bad…
…I almost cheated on my husband.
But before you go thinking I’m some evil, good-for-nothing slut, let me explain…
I wake up one day and my husband of 23 years suddenly has 0 desire for me…
And it KILLS me to not feel attractive to my husband, to not feel wanted by him…

So I start trying new lingerie, cooking him his favorite meals, showing up with lunch at his office…
I’m trying everything I can think of to get my husband to want me again…
…but nothing works…
And it almost drives me into the arms of another man…
Fortunately, I stumble onto Matt Cook and his research just in the nick of time…
…right before I do something I may regret for the rest of my life…
And thanks to Matt Cook, I discover what’s REALLY going on with my husband…
…why he has no drive, no libido, no desire in having sex with me…
And it blows my mind to learn that it’s not my fault…in fact, it has nothing to do with me…
Matt tells me my husband is suffering from the terrible testosterone leak.
This means my husband’s testosterone is leaking away and declining more and more…

And it’s ruining his health and performance as a man.
But here’s where most doctors get it wrong…
Doctors want to give men with low T more testosterone through artificial Big Pharma treatments — you may have heard it called TRT…
But many men who take supplemental testosterone from the doctor in the form of gels, pellets, pills, or injections…
….don’t get the benefits of high testosterone like they should.
Sure, their blood levels of testosterone go up… but many men don’t feel better.
Rockiness is no better. Their sex life is still crappy. And sex drive is still low.
And Matt says this is because studies show that supplemental testosterone turns into the female hormone, estrogen, in man’s body.
There is a chemical enzyme called aromatase in all men that turns excess testosterone into estrogen.
And not just any estrogen…
Estrogen comes in three forms — and the enzyme aromatase turns testosterone into the most potent estrogen called estradiol.
Estradiol is 10 times more potent and powerful than the other types of estrogen.
“But don’t worry,” the Big Pharma companies tell you, “that’s why we have another pill to block those estrogens!”

It’s the same medicine they give us ladies who have breast cancer…
And this “estrogen blocker” is super profitable to the Big Pharma companies…and quite toxic to the male body…
Nobody is telling men this. Because they’re trying to sell men high priced Big Pharma chemicals!
And there’s another huge problem taking testosterone supplements that Matt told me about…
See, your body down-regulates its own natural testosterone production when you supplement with artificial testosterone.
This is what causes the testosterone leak.
So men end up making less natural testosterone in their bodies using Big Pharma testosterone treatments than before.
And then men like my husband are still suffering from low drive, poor rockiness, low confidence…
And it’s because their T is leaking away…estrogen rises and T continues to drop…

And men don’t need any help raising estrogen because many toxins in our world do the job already.
That’s right — toxins in our foods, drinks, supplements, and soaps enter men’s bodies and raise estrogen…
Even toxins hiding in our environments that men breathe in can hurt their hormonal system.
There are even toxins hiding in your refrigerator door handle that raise estrogen!
So what can men like my husband do to avoid all these toxins, stop the testosterone leak, and keep estrogen low?
Well unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for men to avoid the toxins that raise estrogen… they’re all around you all the time in the environment.
However, what men CAN do is use a natural remedy to neutralize these toxins, stop the testosterone leak, and naturally raise testosterone all at the same time.
A natural remedy that’s safe, cheap, and highly effective.
It’s something Matt’s developed on his own after years of testing, and he’s really proud of it.
Matt told me how he turned his kitchen into a makeshift laboratory, much to his wife Jodi’s displeasure.
But it was all worth it, all the sleepless nights, all the trips around the world to talk to experts and scientists and doctors and other researchers…
Because now over 40,000 men have tried this natural remedy, including my husband!
And we both couldn’t be more thrilled with how it’s working for us!
Quite frankly…
I think Booster Bites are going to change your life…

If you have low T, low drive, or are going through anything like what I was going through with my husband…
…these Booster Bites are going to be your new best friend!
Because they work so fast, almost instantaneously…
I pop one in my husband’s mouth and right away, he feels this new warm energy building in his body…
He feels his desire coming back, and he starts looking at me in that way I’ve missed for so long…
His rockiness comes back with a roar and he can last longer in bed.
All from a little natural snack that raises a man’s T without any of the artificial stuff!
And this way, men can naturally raise testosterone without raising estrogen.
In fact, with Booster Bites, estrogen falls on its own. While T continues to rise.
Here’s how Matt’s Booster Bites work…
The ingredients in Matt’s Booster Bites neutralize toxins that accumulate in the testicles and raise estrogen…
In this way, they put a stop to the dreaded testosterone leak.
At the same time, they stimulate the Leydig cells in a man’s testicles to get them to produce even more testosterone than before.
Some men experience a 73% jump in testosterone just minutes after popping a Booster Bite.
And this immediately helps erection quality, libido, and performance, while giving men a big boost in confidence too.
The main ingredient is an inexpensive supplement that blocks estrogen more effectively than any Big Pharma treatment…

This supplement has been shown in research to STOP the body from creating estrogen.
It works better than any Big Pharma treatments, but the companies don’t earn a dime when you use it, so doctors don’t know about it.
The doctors simply aren’t told about it because there’s no profit for the Big Pharma companies in it.
So men never hear about this supplement or how much good it can do for them in the hormonal department.
And when they try Matt’s Booster Bites, they are completely blown away.
My husband was one of these guys — and now I can’t even imagine where we would be if we hadn’t discovered Booster Bites.
We may not even be married anymore!
Booster Bites saved our relationship and brought us even closer together.
And the health benefits my husband is getting out of having naturally high T are a sweet bonus!
His muscles look and feel bigger, he has less belly and chest fat, and he doesn’t fall asleep watching movies together anymore!
In fact, he’s had so much energy, and SO much drive, that we have started doing it a lot more often.
It feels like we are naughty, madly in love teenagers again!
So what do you say… are you ready to give Booster Bites a try?

Even single guys will love these T-raising snacks because they’re perfect before a date.
They’re perfect before you take a woman to bed.
Perfect before a big work presentation or whenever you need a boost of confidence.
Just pop a Booster Bite in your mouth and let the natural ingredients work their magic!
Right now, Matt is giving away his Booster Bites for free and I couldn’t recommend them enough.
Just go here for more details.
Yours truly,
–Lisa F.