This was clearly intended for men’s eyes only… and here’s why…
Supporters of our newsletter are proud to bring you these exclusive offers…CONTAINS TRIGGERS — not safe if you want to avoid triggers…
Our friend and sponsor of the newsletter, Richard La Ruina, has a special message for men who want to have the sex life they’ve always dreamed of having. But you must hurry… because THEY are trying to get this video banned…
This Stealth Attraction video… it contains secrets women don’t want you to know…
It shows you how to bypass a woman’s rejection mechanism… and force-feed feelings of attraction, lust and desire directly into her subconscious mind.
Needless to say… this gives you some seriously unfair power over women.
And pretty much allows you to sleep with whoever you want.
This also works for married men and men in committed relationships.
But this video accidently got into the wrong hands and now some feminist group on Facebook is trying to have the video pulled down.
Watch it now before it’s banned.

If you or someone you know is concerned about the electricity bill every month…
Or you are considering shelling out tens of thousands of your HARD-EARNED money on the solar panels…
Then you absolutely must STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING immediately and watch this very short video before it’s too late!
It describes a new and cheap invention that is so DANGEROUS and revolutionary to the status-quo politicians and giant energy companies…
Because it lets ANYONE, no matter how smart or rich you are, generate ALL of the electricity that your home needs…
And it lets you do it COMPLETELY FOR FREE using materials that you already have in your home.
Find out how this can slash your electric bills right now in this brief video.

If you have aging vision…STOP EATING CARROTS!
Common wisdom says that carrots help with your eyesight…
But in today’s world of bright electronic screens, carrots are not enough to protect your eyesight.
A Univ. of Connecticut medical study reported that the nutrients in carrots are NOT enough to prevent damage to your eye cells.
And see how the Washington Nationals are using this discovery because sharp eyesight is SO important in baseball.
And: how they discovered that the nutrients inside this flower can protect your eyes against today’s modern threats…
