Or can you beat him… there’s still plenty of time left…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and we’re 9 days into the Waistline Challenge…
…where guys are competing to shed the most fat in 21 days…
And I wanted to share a new message I got recently from one Challenge participant, Harry L., who says:
Way to go Harry! That’s incredible. Keep it up and you may be the grand winner.
And hey, if you’re competing against Harry — don’t give up…
The grand winner is getting a super valuable gift — 6 months of free personalized coaching from me, Matt Cook!
And remember — any man who participates in this 21-Day Waistline challenge is getting a fabulous prize.
So the worst thing that could happen is you lose… but you really win because you lose fat and you get a prize for participating.
So go ahead and join us in the 21-Day Waistline Challenge.
Just go here to Challenge Central and comment if you want to join, so I can mark you down on my list.
You’ll simply post updates and proof of your progress there along the way, and I’ll pick the winner in a couple weeks.
Good luck to all those competing — keep up the good work!
–Matt Cook