And I’m not just lasting longer…I’m also feeling so much more pleasure…
Hey, Matt Cook here, and this is the kind of thing I hear from men quite often:
“I am crazy about this girl and other than our sex life, our relationship is great.
Premature ejaculation has always been a bit of a problem for me, but I always chalked it up to inexperience…
…and figured it would be something that would go away…
…once I was having sex on a regular basis, and once I wasn’t so excited every time I had sex.
Now that I’ve been in a relationship for a year, I’ve come to realize that this is a very real problem for me.
I usually only last about 5 minutes.
She has recently voiced displeasure in the fact that it’s been a year and happens so often…
…and admitted to wanting to have sex less often because, according to her, “What’s the point?”
And I can’t help but think that having sex less and less isn’t helping.
I desperately want to fix this and make sure she has a good time. Please help.”
And this is how I’m helping these men – with the Intenso method
And the Intenso method has NOTHING to do with:
- Numbing creams and gels
- Weird toys and contraptions
- Medications or supplements
- Wearing multiple condoms
And you will NOT be:
- Sacrificing pleasure
- “Checking out” during intercourse
- Minimizing your thrusting
- Or worrying about a certain strategy
You will simply be having fun, pleasurable intercourse, completely in the moment, while naturally lasting as long as you want!
This is how – the Intenso method
–Matt Cook