This fixes blood pressure while boosting penile blood flow
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Matt Cook here, and this is urgent for men with high blood pressure, or blood pressure that’s controlled with pills.
See, men with high blood pressure often have LOW blood flow to the penis…
And this is because high blood pressure occurs when the blood vessels are narrowed by plaque, and made too rigid by inflammation.
Rigid, narrowed blood vessels are too narrow for blood flow…
So the body raises blood pressure to stuff the blood through these narrow vessels.
And penile blood flow always suffers.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution to both blood pressure AND penile blood flow — 5 foods.
I’ve discovered 5 foods that fix this penile blood pressure problem.
These foods contain nutrients that open up the blood vessels, dissolve plaque, and restore flexibility to the arteries.
Eat just 1 of these foods and watch as your blood pressure goes down by 5 points, then 10, then 20 points…
…and before you know it — there’s enough room for penile blood pressure to start inflating your member.
–Matt Cook