Harry’s story: how I helped him out of a bad spot
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Hi I’m Harry, one of Matt Cook’s students, and he recently helped me out with a little problem I was having…
It’s kind of embarrassing, but maybe you can relate?
See, this problem has to do with my wife and our bedroom life…
We’ve been married a long time.
So things in the sex department have faded away a little bit… and I wanted to get that back…
I wanted to get my wife interested in sex again, and get her excited to be intimate together, like when we first met.
So I was buying toys and researching different methods and trying to convince Susan to try them all.
I was willing to do whatever it takes…
But sometimes it felt like I was spending hours down there… and still, I couldn’t bring her to orgasm.
And it had me feeling ashamed and embarrassed…like there was something wrong with me…
Like I sucked in the sack.
And little did I know, my wife was feeling the same way…
The harder I tried, the more impatient she got. I didn’t realize how much pressure I was putting on her!
She wanted to come for me…She wanted to be excited about sex again.
She just couldn’t. And she didn’t know why her body wouldn’t cooperate…
Luckily, Matt told me about this 30-second technique that delivers incredible pleasure to a woman immediately.
And I gave it a try…and what happened next is too crazy to put in an email…
Your friend,
(Harry is a pen name)