I had to find out: is it possible to reverse hair loss?
Hey, Matt Cook here, and my son is having the worst time with hair loss…
He’s only in his 20s, but he’s been seeing more and more hair on his pillow every morning…and in the shower drain…
And now there’s an actual bald spot forming on his head.
My son feels so self conscious about his hair — he has a new girlfriend and he’s scared she’s going to dump him if he loses any more hair.
So now he’s desperate to slow down and stop his hair loss, and speed up new hair growth, if it’s possible.
At first, my son wanted to try treatments from the doctor like Propecia to stop his hair loss…
But I almost flipped a lid when he told me that. These treatments are no good.
I’ve heard horror stories from men who have tried these hair loss treatments…
…only to completely lose their sexual function…sometimes even permanently…
This is a medical scandal. No man should be allowed to take those…
So I decide to help my son find a safer solution, preferably something natural…
And that starts me on a long journey to help my son Travis, and to also help the 300,000 men who follow my research…
I’m reading study after study, talking to expert after expert…
I even ask my barber, Willie, to tell me everything he knows about hair loss.
And here’s what I’ve discovered…
Most people think hair loss is purely genetic.
…that if your dad lost his hair at an early age, you will too and there’s nothing you can do about it…
But this is completely false, actually. Genetics is just a tiny part of the equation when it comes to hair loss.
I’ve found that over 50% of men will experience moderate to extensive hair loss by the age of 49.
And it’s not just because your dad did, or his dad before him…
It’s actually because of one certain hormone in the body… estradiol…

Estradiol is the strongest type of estrogen the body can produce, and men do not want a lot of it.
For years, it has been well-known and well-reported that too much estradiol can cause hair loss in men:

And the normal treatments for hair loss don’t do anything about estradiol…
Typical treatments for hair loss supposedly work by lowering DHT in the scalp… but this is not what we want…
DHT is the primary hormone that helps men feel sexual pleasure and reach orgasm.
So we want plenty of DHT in our bodies! But the hair treatments lower DHT…
So men on these hair drugs often lose sexual function…they have trouble reaching orgasm…they have rockiness problems…

Then they stop the treatments, but often the damage is very long term…

No thanks! In fact, I highly advise men to not use these treatments if it is possible to avoid them…
Because the real problem is this high estradiol — and it’s especially bad for hair health, as numerous studies like the one below show:

This extra estradiol binds to the hair follicles and starts attacking them…
…shrinking the hair follicles and slowing normal hair growth way down to a crawl…
This causes what is termed “fibrosis” — calcification of the hair follicles that is thought to be “irreversible” (more on that later)…
And eventually the hair follicle is so clogged with fibrosis and calcium that it can’t possibly grow another strand of hair…
So what can men do about this process of hair loss?
Well here’s the thing…
If we can control the amount of estradiol being produced in the scalp — and help stimulate the hair follicles with certain nutrients…
…hair loss can be reversed, and fresh hair growth may be possible.
In fact, I’ve been working on this exact solution, something that can protect the hair follicles from estradiol…
…and oxygenate the hair follicles to stimulate natural new hair growth…
My kitchen and bathroom have become makeshift laboratories lately.
I’ve been mixing a little of this, and a little of that, and I’ve come up with a formula I’m pretty excited about…
My son has been putting it on his scalp for about two weeks so far, and it is already super promising.
He says there’s already a whole lot less hair on his pillow in the morning or in his hair brush.
And he’s finally gaining his confidence back!
And.. I’ve been talking to my publisher and they say I can share this new hair secret with you too…
…but only if there’s enough interest shown.
So if you think you might want to try this new hair solution I’ve come up with…
Hopefully I’ll be able to share the full solution with you soon.
–Matt Cook