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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I’ve perfected a method that multiplies your pleasure and works for any man…
…single or married, divorced or in a relationship, young or old…
…flaccid or “rocky”…
…men who are strong, men who are weak, men with diabetes, men who are super healthy…
…all men…
And I’m so grateful to have discovered this method and be able to use it in my life every day.
Forgive me, because I don’t mean to brag, but here’s a typical day in the life of Matt Cook thanks to this new method…
Every day, my wife and I start out with an hour of sexual pleasure…
Then I’ll be working and later on, we’ll do it again.
Maybe even once more in the early evening if we have the time.
Then before my wife goes to bed, we have more sexual pleasure for 30 or 60 minutes.
Sometimes I continue the fun for another hour or so by myself!
And living this way has created a rich and deep well of not just pleasure, but renewed interest from my wife…
She loves this method too. It’s rubbed off on her.
Even though my wife has lost a lot of her drive, she is now wildly enthusiastic again and loves what this method is doing for not just me, but the both of us.
See, one of the things that always bothered me about having sex was that I lost feelings for my wife for days afterward.
Of course I still loved her, but the attraction and intimacy just wasn’t there.
It would be gone until the reservoir of sexual interest got replenished and refilled, which can take a guy anywhere from 3 to 10 days, give or take.
Now however, thanks to this, I can have these amazing pleasure filled hours without affecting my feelings for my wife.
I am just as full of desire for her afterwards as I was before.
And I am always ready to do it again, and again… and again…
I see her as my personal goddess that I’m lucky to be married to and experience these pleasure-filled hours with…
And it has been continuing to improve our relationship even after 30 years together.
And for men who don’t have a relationship, great news…
Because all men can find hours of pleasure every day this way. And their drive keeps increasing…
…they go through the day in a high state of sexual arousal and interest…
…women can tell men who are fired up sexually and women want to be with these men…
…men experience the incredible rush of being on a hair-trigger arousal like they were teenagers, but without the downsides…
Because you’re more mature and experienced, you get to play with this new endless well of constantly arousing sexual energy…and it’s most fun, I assure you.
T levels go through the roof and I think overall health improves dramatically…
…it is an incredible feeling of “I can do anything” (and you can actually…)
This is a constant feeling of pleasurable arousal all day every day…started and finished with true pleasure that is greater than ever before.
It works by yourself. It works if you have a partner.
It’s just 5 Minutes to Endless Arousal.
In fact, I do this alone all the time. Whenever I want to take a “pleasure break.”
–Matt Cook