Heart attacks at record high – watch out for these symptoms
The most important thing is to never ignore the symptoms…
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and reports are showing that heart attacks are at an all-time high right now, especially among men…
And it’s happening to young men, old men, men who are battling other illnesses, and even men who have no history of heart problems.
So do me a favor and take this quick Heart Health Quiz — it can save your life:
Question 1: Do you have high blood pressure or take medications to control blood pressure?
Question 2: Do your limbs often “fall asleep” — do you get that pins and needles feeling in your hands, feet, arms, or legs?
Question 3: Do you ever suffer leg cramps and swelling?
Question 4: Has it been a while since you experienced regular morning and nighttime rockiness?
Question 5: Do you have rockiness problems or take treatments for rockiness problems?
Note: Some of these questions may seem strange, but I promise it will all make sense in just a few moments…click here
–Matt Cook