You’re their hero — this will save their life
This is a sponsored message from Concerned Patriot who supports our newsletter. Today he is sharing a brand new self-defense tool at an incredible, limited-time price, that can save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Press one button — the attacker drops to his knees…
…and turns into a whimpering pile of flesh.
Yes it’s true: Just press 1 button and in 2 seconds, it will deliver absolute destruction to your enemy.
And potentially save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
You can carry it anywhere. Your wife can have it in her purse.
Your granddaughter can keep it with her when she’s at the school in the parking structure at night walking to her car.
So what is it?

And as a special gift, we’re giving you THIS for free…
It’s called the Light Saver Tactical Torch…
And this torch is currently in use by top survivalists and trained warriors who serve in S.W.A.T. Military Special Operations units and more.
There are a number of reasons why they carry it:
- Incredibly bright: For its size, this is one of the brightest lights you can buy. It’s so bright that some police consider it a crime to shine in someone’s eyes.
- Doubles as a lantern and headlamp: One of the only flashlights on the planet that will also act as a headlamp and room-brightening lantern.
- Doesn’t need batteries: The Light Saver is 100% rechargeable and doesn’t need batteries, ever. Just plug the included USB cord in and you’re all set. Saves you $$$.
Normally $50.
But you can get one for FREE when you click here.

And we’re not finished yet… take this for FREE too…
While supplies last, the team at Patriot Wholesale Club is giving away NEW green optic “Night Vision” cap lights for FREE.
You’ve never seen anything like this before…
And I know you’ll love how this advanced lighting system will make it so the dark is never a problem for you again.
No flashlight does what this will do for you!
These retail for $34.97, but can be yours FREE when you click here.
