Today only — get the Halloween Effect for free

Hey, Matt Cook here, and have you gotten a copy of my new book, Romance to 120, yet?
Here’s a look at what’s inside the book:
- Discover one unusual practice, a simple tweak to making love that delivers more pleasure and more satisfaction than the old way of doing things, whether you have a high sex drive or not, whether you have great rockiness or not — and it works for men who may have been told sex was out of the cards, or men who have physical limitations or medical problems…And I think you’ll find that things keep getting more and more pleasurable the more you use this one unusual practice…And as you’ll soon find out, women absolutely LOVE this! (page 184)
- These are the top 5 reasons why many couples stop having sex, and #3 is quite shocking…However, once you understand why this is happening from both sides of the bed, you can easily rekindle your sexual connection — and I’m showing you exactly how with my new little system that works great for me and thousands of couples….Here’s how to have sex every day or every other day especially when “his” drive is high and “hers” is not…(page 49)
- I’ve found one toy that many couples are using to make sex more fun and more pleasurable for them both. It’s hugely popular because of how easy it is to use and how good it makes both partners feel. Even better, men don’t need a boner to use this toy and have great sex. (page 141)
- 6 things that you can do as soon as today to amp up your sex life and ensure your body is in peak condition for sex. Do 1 of these every morning — only takes 3 to 5 minutes to promote good blood flow, protect a high libido, maintain lasting power, and more so that your body is always primed for intercourse…(page 23)
- Did you know that there’s one bad habit most men are doing at least once a week when they’re alone that leads to 80% or more sensation loss in the penis? It’s true and it can make it much harder for men to get a boner or even get aroused at all — but once you cut this one bad habit out of your routine, you will start restoring sensitivity and possibly even increase your sensitivity to new heights while protecting your natural function and your drive…(page 256)
- Unique sex positions that are easier on sore, painful joints, bad backs, or larger bellies that deliver even more pleasure for both of you and allow you to last even longer, enhancing your sexual experience and deepening your intimate connection…(page 160)
- 7-second switch that instantly makes you more attractive in the eyes of your partner, increases the feeling of closeness and intimacy, and leads to many years of enjoying sex 4 or more times a week…(page 17)
- Hear from sexually active women in their 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond who are enjoying sex more now than they ever did before, and what their partners are doing to keep them interested, fully satisfied, and craving more…(page 96)
- Let me introduce you to one hormone that is more powerful than testosterone for producing vein-busting rockiness and intense arousal — and how easy it is to naturally boost this one hormone to intensify that “in love” feeling you have or once had with your wife or girlfriend… I’m calling it the Pillow Talk method…(page 5)
- Do you feel nervous before a sexual encounter? Do you feel that this nervousness sometimes ruins it for you? Well now you are discovering the one harmful hormone that surges in a man’s brain, even if he doesn’t want it to, and ruins performance…I’m now revealing how to lower this harmful hormone that uses what is called “self talk” — so even if you are telling yourself that won’t perform, you actually WILL perform…belief has no effect on this self-talk method and it works even if you “secretly” know that you won’t perform…(page 70)
- Hear from men who are living life on the Oxytocin Path, having sex with a strong love connection every day or every other day with their wives or girlfriends, and the one single thing they are all doing to stay on this healthy and sexy Oxytocin Path for decades to come…(page 110)
- 5 delicious, natural foods that can help a woman overcome the symptoms of menopause and help maintain and even increase her drive, without treatments or medical interventions. These foods work by giving the body key nutrients needed to produce one important hormone that most women are deficient in, one important hormone that decreases stress and makes this transitional period in a woman’s life easier and less disruptive to your sexual relationship… (page 46)
- Try out this simple rewiring method for the most sensational, pleasurable O’s you’ve ever experienced. This is the answer for men who aren’t getting morning wood, suffering from a low drive, or struggling with rockiness problems — because the way this rewiring method works is by reconnecting your brain and your penis, making you feel so much more and naturally restoring things again (and it works for both married and single men)…Use this to follow in the footsteps of men like Paul who is dating a beautiful younger woman and having exciting, passionately pleasurable sex every day…(page 82)
- 5 techniques men and women can use to reignite the passion and “fan the fire” on their sexual relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together or how long it’s been since you felt that “giddy, in-love” feeling…Try just one of these techniques and let me know how it goes. So far, men are loving these, especially #5…(page 147)
- Use this frenulum exercise to naturally increase sensitivity and feeling in your penis, so that every touch and every stroke results in intense pleasure that you feel not just in your penis, but in your whole body… This is a way to feel sexual pleasure all day long, having as many orgasms as you want. Thanks to this, there’s no limit anymore…(page 86)
- Beware these household items containing toxins that hurt men’s natural testosterone production and raise harmful estrogen. These toxins absorb into men’s bodies and hurt Leydig cells which produce T. If you cut this toxin out of your life, you can protect your testosterone levels and reduce harmful estrogen for decades to come…(page 131)
- There’s one special entry technique I’ve discovered that is helping men of all ages have satisfying intercourse with a woman whether they have a boner or not. This entry technique still feels really good for you (and her), and doing it often helps restore rockiness again over time. So the more you do it, the better things get! (page 90)
- Look at studies I’ve uncovered proving how much sex impacts health and longevity, especially for men. These are studies that Big Pharma prays you never see, because they reveal natural methods for maintaining a healthy sex life that often work better than their treatments or surgeries…(page 28)
- I’ve discovered the male “G spot” that when touched, sends men into a powerful, full-body O. Most men have no idea this one pleasure point even exists — but when they experience this kind of pleasure once, they want it again and again…it just feels so good! You can use your hands, a toy, or you can get your wife or girlfriend to assist you…(page 88)
- If your wife or girlfriend ever tells you sex hurts or is uncomfortable, there are 2 things you can do to restore pleasure for her and make sex enjoyable again. These 2 things don’t require you to buy anything, learn anything, or even go out of your way at all. Just incorporate these 2 things into your relationship to get sex feeling great for her again as soon as tonight…and she will welcome your penis and it won’t hurt her but it will pleasure her now…(page 21)
- Watch out for these 7 common medications that can kill a woman’s natural libido, dry her up inside, and make sex painful or uncomfortable. Most women are taking at least one of these medications by the time they’re 60 years old and doctors almost never tell women about these unfortunate side effects…(page 119)
- I’ve talked to women in their 20s and 30s who love dating much older men, and I’m revealing the top 3 things they look for when choosing an older man to take home and make love to… For single men, if you pay attention to these 3 things, you’ll find that younger women come to YOU, there’s nothing you even have to do…(page 151)
- Did you know that many men leak out their sexual energy 20 or 30 times per day that kill their drive and ruin their performance with a woman? Stopping the sexual leakage leads to incredibly strong erections that persist over many minutes…and even if you come, you can be ready much sooner, often in 10 or 15 minutes to go again…and then again…(page 84)
- This is how men are keeping naturally high and healthy testosterone levels — and it’s NOT with Big Pharma drugs, gels, or injections. You’ll find simple tweaks that these men are making to their diet and lifestyle that you can copy at home to naturally boost testosterone and keep it high long-term, including 7 delicious foods that naturally raise T…(page 126)
- Discover what 54% of men and 42% of women want in “ever after” relationships where commitment and monogamy is respected. If you fulfill this one desire, you’re practically guaranteeing that you will be enjoying a satisfying sexual relationship today and every day, until 120 or beyond…(page 144)
- This one 10-minute “exercise” can warm up your metabolism, lead to leaner muscles, and boost your T. I’ve found many men who do this every day or at least 3 times a week and are in excellent health with higher T levels than most teenage boys. And it’s great for men with physical limitations or medical restrictions — any man can do this easy exercise to get all the benefits and more…(page 137)
And when you grab your copy today, I’m throwing in a special bonus report for free that has never been released before now.
It’s called the Halloween Effect and it reveals a special technique you can use with your wife or girlfriend to make things 10x hotter…
It gets your blood running hot, her blood running hot… and then you both just want to ravish each other!
And it’s the perfect companion to Romance to 120, which you can have for 83% off today.
–Matt Cook