It’s a Christmas miracle! I found a whole new box…

Hey, Matt Cook here, and you won’t believe what I just found when we were inventorying the warehouse…
There, in a dark corner, was a box sealed up with tape — one of our warehouse guys had put it there a few months ago, and somehow it never got logged into inventory.
I tried to pick it up, but it was surprisingly heavy! So I cut it open instead…
And you know what was inside? A bunch more copies of my first best-selling book, Healthy to 120!
And in the spirit of Christmas, I’ve decided to give away all of these copies for FREE!
Listen — this book is my life’s work — all my best health discoveries and natural methods and cures…
It’s all in one place, written in simple, plain language.
And everything is broken down into bite-sized chunks you can put into action anytime you want.
You can finally take control of your health and heal yourself naturally, WITHOUT Big Pharma treatments and side effects…
And you can give your sex life a boost at same time, using natural techniques I’ve both discovered and invented just for men…
Trust me when I say that these are secrets you won’t hear anywhere else…
My book reveals landmark results that Big Pharma prays you don’t discover…
My research has found results of studies that are being buried, ignored, or outright censored:
- The number one killer that no one talks about that lowers testosterone, causes heart attacks, and increases the risk of stroke and deadly disease…and no it’s NOT sugar and it’s NOT bread. In fact, you can live a lot longer enjoying desserts and bread as long as you avoid this one killer…(page 48)
- The true cause of cancer is a “cancer metabolism” including “glycolysis in the presence of oxygen” and this can be easily reversed with a simple blue dye that has been known for 150 years… Get your oncologist scratching his head and wondering what it is that you have been doing (page 91)
- Why cholesterol is good for you and why certain processed foods may lower your cholesterol and also lower your lifespan… This is the real scoop! You may want to INCREASE your cholesterol readings after you find this out (page 168)
- Why diabetes is treatable without pills, and why many men with diabetes fix their bedroom problems when they fix their diabetes… This lets a man with type 2 diabetes get normal blood sugar, so his doctor says, “Stop taking your diabetes medication, you don’t need the medication any more!” (page 276)
- How to get rid of performance problems — stories of men who have done it and what they’ve done… These types of bedroom problems often predict the onslaught of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer, and more. Getting to the root of these issues can also add decades of healthy, happy, and sexy life for a man (page 207).
- The secret that drug companies are spending billions on that you can do at home… It’s called mitochondrial uncoupling, and scientists say it’s like burning fat where it is now in the fat cells, without having to exercise or eat less. Mitochondrial uncoupling RAISES your metabolism so you burn more energy all the time, even without exercise… (page 292)
- …and much more…
Usually, Healthy to 120 sells for $28.95 on Amazon — but you’re getting it for FREE!
I’m giving the book away free to any man who grabs a copy of my latest best-selling book, Romance to 120.
And trust me, you’re going to want to have this book too.
Here are just a few of the discoveries waiting for you inside Romance to 120:
- Discover how I’m using one unusual practice, a simple tweak to making love that delivers more enjoyment and more satisfaction than the old way of doing things, whether I have a high drive or not, whether I have great function or not. And I have found that things start feeling better and better the more I am using this one unusual practice…And as you’ll soon find out, my wife absolutely LOVES this too!
- These are the top 5 reasons I’ve found for why older couples stop being physically romantic, and #3 is quite shocking…However, now that I understand why this is happening from both sides of the bed, I’ve been able to easily rekindle my physical relationship with my wife — and I’m showing you exactly how I did it with my new little system that is working great for me…Here’s how I’m having physical relations with my wife everyday or every other day especially when my drive is high and hers is not…
- The 6 different ways I perform a “blood flow workout” to amp up my romantic life and ensure my body is in peak condition for physical intimacy. I do just 1 of these every morning, and it only takes 3 to 5 minutes to promote good blood flow, protect my drive, maintain my lasting power, and more so that my body is always primed for intimacy, no matter if I’m in my 90s or 100s or beyond…
- Simple 7-second switch that my wife says makes me more attractive, increasing the feeling of closeness and intimacy between us, and leading to many years of enjoying each other 4 or more times a week…
- 5 delicious, natural foods that helped my wife overcome her change of life and helped maintain and even increase her desire, without treatments or procedures. These foods work by giving the female body key nutrients needed to power her body through this change of life, including one important chemical that often decreases stress and makes this transitional period in a woman’s life easier and less disruptive to her romantic relationships…
- Unique positions that are easier on sore, painful joints, bad backs, or larger bellies that deliver even more enjoyment for both my wife and I…and allow me to last even longer, enhancing our romantic experience and deepening our intimate connection…
- Let me introduce you to one natural supplement that I have found helps increase intimacy and connection, while helping me in naturally improving my function with my wife — and it’s made our life absolutely wonderful, like being newlyweds again.
- …and SO much more…
And since it’s the holidays, I’ll mark down the price of Romance to 120 by 83%.
So you can have Romance to 120 for just a few dollars and get Healthy to 120 with it completely FREE!
–Matt Cook
P.S. And just because I’m feeling extra generous right now, I’m also throwing in 32 FREE bonus reports when you grab both books today.
Bonus reports like…
30-Second Sexual Arousal Report ($9 value)
Believe it or not, I’ve found a way to get my wife aroused in 30 seconds or less. She gets so hot for me that we can barely make it to the bedroom before her clothes are coming off. Try this with your wife or girlfriend — or even on a girl you just met!
Better Than Opiates: Chronic Pain Relief Without Dangerous Drugs ($19 value)
I’m using my very own Fusion Formula to shut off the brain’s response to pain. This is a natural formula I take with me on the go, and it starts working immediately. Better yet, it’s non-addictive and super cheap.
5-Minute Natural Home Tooth Whitening ($9 value)
Those teeth whitening kits they sell at the grocery stores are really, really expensive — and they don’t need to be! Plus they are dangerous to your gums. So instead, I’m using my own little natural mixture to whiten my teeth at home. It takes me less than 5 minutes to whip up and apply it and get whiter teeth every day, and it only costs a few pennies.
5-Minute Arthritis Relief ($19 value)
My whole family uses this safe joint pain relief that’s over 100 years old, but only recently rediscovered. This formula uses ingredients found in virtually any kitchen cupboard…You probably have some in your kitchen right now!
And many more…Get them all here