The more prohormones a man has, the stronger his manhood…
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Matt Cook here, and have you heard of a special type of molecule called prohormones?
Prohormones are the molecules that form testosterone, DHT, and other important male androgens.
These prohormones stack together like building blocks to create new androgens in our bodies.
So the more prohormones men have, the easier it is for the body to produce testosterone, DHT, and other androgens.
And I’ve invented a special formula that safely supports this natural process.
It delivers more prohormones right to the source — the testicles — where the body uses those prohormones to create male androgens.
And it directs the body into making more male androgens faster!
This is fantastic because research shows that men with higher androgen levels have fuller male members and better male function.
I’m calling it my Paint it On and Watch It Grow formula…
–Matt Cook