Terribly embarrassing
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and recently I shared my story about helping men with premature ejaculation (PE) and how difficult it was for me…
And I also shared a big discovery with you — how I found the root cause of PE.
The problem is this biological reflex that tightens up a man’s pelvic floor muscles and makes him come quickly during intercourse.
It was useful in the caveman days when the human species was trying to survive and populate quickly…
But nowadays, it’s just an embarrassing, unfortunate problem that a lot of guys have to deal with.
This biological reflex that makes a man come too soon is not a guy’s fault.
And it is actually quite simple to fix — and then the man can last as long as he wants…
It’s kind of incredible really…how something so quick and so simple could reverse a decades-long problem for so many men.
As soon as I started sharing this method with a few guys in my inner circle, I started getting great feedback.
“Matt, I must tell you… Last night we had the best sex we’ve ever had since we started dating about 18 months ago. I got a boner right away, stayed stiff for at least 45 minutes inside of her. I was skeptical, but last night was the absolute proof this works.” |
And today, because I had so many men tell me they want this and need this — you can use this method too.
Any guy can use this method, and it will allow him to easily last 30 minutes or more whenever he wants.
It’s just a simple little 2-second technique I call the ProLONG Protocol.
And it works by allowing you to hit the override button on this reflex and gain more control.
So instead of being a slave to this reflex, you become the master.
You gain total control over when you come, so you can last longer in bed.
And eventually, after you stick to the ProLONG Protocol for a couple weeks, you are able to last as long as you want without even thinking about it.
And it’s because of this 2-second technique.
With this method, lasting becomes effortless for you.
You don’t have to sacrifice pleasure or fun, or do anything strenuous.
And before you know it, you are pleasuring your wife or girlfriend the way she has been wanting to be pleasured for so long.
You can stroke and stroke and stroke… and still you don’t come!
You can keep stroking for as long as you want. Until she is begging you for a break because it just feels so good.
And it doesn’t matter if you have a partner or not — both single guys and guys in relationships can benefit from the ProLONG Protocol.
Single guys can use this 2-second technique on their own to start lasting longer and then be ready to blow the next lucky girl’s mind.
And because of all of the enthusiastic responses I got last time, my publisher is allowing me to share the ProLONG Protocol with you for free.
But he’s capped the offer at the first 77 men…
So that means only the first 77 guys to click the link below get the ProLONG Protocol for free.
–Matt Cook