I think I’ve found a way to not just prevent cancer, but treat it too
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and did you catch this in the news the other day?
Johnson & Johnson are paying out over $6.5 billion dollars to settle thousands and thousands of lawsuits…
…over all the talc-based products causing cancer…
And there’s even more lawsuits coming over other J&J products that allegedly cause cancer too…
Absolute craziness if you ask me… there seems to be an ever-growing list of things that will give us cancer…
And how are we meant to avoid them all?
Many of the times, we don’t even know until it’s too late.
So you know what I’m doing to protect myself from cancer, what I’m sharing with my loved ones?
It’s this ordinary-looking white powder that has the power to not just prevent cancer, but help treat it too.
This powder has amazing oxygenation abilities — it can oxygenize all of the cells in our body.
And oxygen is like the nemesis of cancer — cancer cannot thrive in a highly oxygenated state.
–Matt Cook