She gasps: “All he used was his fingers”
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Hi, I’m Cali…
And as I peel off my skin tight dress, his fingertips begin gently exploring my body…
His hand slowly makes its way up my inner thigh and grazes my mound…
I take a deep breath in and allow myself to relax…
As he starts to apply the Orbiting Pearl technique, my eyes are rolling to the back of my head, and I lose control of my breathing.
My hips begin to writhe, my back arches, and the muscles between my legs contract involuntarily.
I can hear myself moan as I dig my nails deeper into his chest…
I begin to buck wildly as if riding a crazed bull in the rodeo!
My moans become screams, and I’m sure the neighbors can hear me from all the way down the block.
But I don’t care. I just don’t want him to stop.
Then I cum…SO intensely…more intensely than I ever have before.
A wave of pure ecstasy washes over me, as my juices flow down his fingers.
Still shaking, I can not believe it but I know I’ve just experienced the most intense, body-quaking O of my life…
And when I look into his eyes, I see a level of confidence I have never seen before…
Now I’m convinced that this is the single most greatest orgasmic technique ever created…and I can’t get enough…
–Matt Cook