Blood flow coaching

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and earlier this week, I hosted my very first Ask Me Anything…

…where guys were asking me questions about male blood flow (really good questions, by the way)…

And it made me realize just how many men can benefit from my latest blood flow breakthrough involving mechanotransduction…

This special process stimulates better blood flow and additional blood vessels — and it’s the discovery that’s the key to my entire method…

Mechanotransduction is the use of simple exercises that trigger the release of a cascade of growth chemicals such as VEGF, TNF-alpha, and cytokines…

This cascade of growth chemicals makes the blood vessels actually get bigger and hold more blood.

And even better than additional blood flow, mechanotransduction gets the blood vessels actually sprouting NEW vessels…

…for double or even triple blood flow ALL over the body, especially the male member.

The best part — I’ve found simple and pleasurable activities that trigger mechanotransduction naturally…

With mechano-transduction, these simple activities are stimulating the building of new blood vessels and new tissues.

The activities I’ve created will help virtually any man regain function, perform better, and have more confidence…

And it may also add a little size!

These blood flow activities are designed to stimulate tissue expansion through blood flow modification and muscle protein synthesis.

Do this the right way, and in no time you begin to experience firmer rockiness… then just a few weeks later you’ll see increased length and girth!

In fact, I actually made a little diary showing you what you can expect…

Let’s talk morning wood first…

  • Morning wood comes roaring back, even if you haven’t had any in a long time
  • Improved strength of morning wood
  • Getting woken up in the middle of the night on occasion by the fullness of your member. If you’ve gone a long time with poor nightly fullness, expect this to happen a few times while you re-adjust to having nighttime rockiness.
  • Morning wood starts lasting longer. Instead of just drooping and going away once you wake up, morning wood starts hanging around longer and longer… (more on this later)
  • Morning wood soreness. You’re not just getting morning wood now, or noticing they are hanging around longer — you actually feel a dull ache now.
  • Large and heftier morning boners. Right around the time you start experiencing dull aches from long-standing fullness and better blood flow, you will find your boners are noticeably thicker and heftier in your hands.
  • The throbbing. Thicker, heftier, and more persistent rockiness is one thing — actual throbbing is another!
  • You’ll be going through your morning routine and look over at your reflection absentmindedly and do a double take — because your member is bouncing in time with your pulse!

And what about daily fullness changing over time? Let me break it down…

  • You’ll start to notice that even though your flaccid member is still pretty shriveled, it’s definitely hanging a bit more heavily
  • And you’re wondering, “Did my penis always look this veiny?” If you could not see it before, the outline of your deep dorsal vein is visible now…
  • Improvements in color — where before you may have had a bloodless pallor, now it’s definitely starting to look pink!
  • You’ve looked down a few times now and can feel a tug at the corner of your lips that threatens to break out in a full smile…
  • Your member is officially not shriveled anymore. Your partner hasn’t caught on just yet… but you’re really starting to like the heftiness that bounces around when you walk…
  • Right after a VasMax session, while looking yourself over, you’re wondering: “Was it always that big?”
  • “Wow” says your significant other. It’s official now. It’s not just all in your head! She sees the changes and likes it. Note: You may start getting to work a bit later than normal or going to bed a bit sweaty…
  • You thought you felt it a few times before, but now you can definitely feel it! You have a pulse in your dorsal arteries. Your member is pulsing with new power
  • You are noticing her eyes open up wider when you push into her now, and how her moans drag on a bit longer than they used to…
  • It’s not 100% totally official just yet, but you’ve been walking through the underwear section of the store a few times, entertaining the idea of needing bigger pairs
  • That smile that has started to look an awful lot like a self-satisfied smirk has been on your face all day — you’ve basically been a little under half mast all day and aren’t trying to hide it, just enjoying it.
  • Conversations with your wife or girlfriend are a lot more fun when you’re shifting your weight around… you notice her eyes do that little downward dart more often than usual…
  • Cowgirl is an amazing sight to behold… but you have to tuck your hips in now when she really starts to grind into you
  • Black pants go a long way towards keeping the ladies in your office from getting unusually clumsy when they walk past you…
  • You’ve definitely measured yourself, measured again, and again. YUP. Hitting that back wall definitely wasn’t a fluke. There’s a few more ticks on that measuring device of yours now…
  • You’ve been doing the VasMax exercises for a good couple of weeks now and you are getting used to the feeling of sloshing around in your wants while you walk. And you’re walking with more of a pep in your step… Life is GOOD.
  • And the beat (as in heartbeat in your pants) goes on… and things get better and better the higher you climb!

And I’ve had so many men asking me to show them my blood flow activities…

That’s why I’ve decided to put together a small group of men who are interested in getting better male blood flow…

…which helps with improving rockiness, stamina, and even gaining a little size…

I’m going to be working with each of these men very closely…

Where I’ll be demonstrating these new blood flow activities I’ve perfected and the phenomenon of mechanotransduction…

Showing men how to use them alone or with a partner…

And helping these guys reach their blood flow goals in just a few short weeks.

Each man will receive explicit instructions on what to do now, what to do next, and what not to do.

This way it’s super easy to get better male blood flow. There’s no confusion, no getting lost, or stuck on your own.

I’m going to be here to help every step of the way.

However, please note that in order to be able to devote enough time to each man, I will have to limit this group to a small number of men…

…men who are serious about completing these blood flow activities and ready to get real results…

So if this sounds like you, please go here and sign up before all the spots are gone


–Matt Cook

P.S. Want to see the replay of my very first Ask Me Anything?

Here it is — enjoy!