Articles by John

63 year old marries 27yo wife -his stamina secret
It was a high school biology teacher who saved my life 50 years ago. He handed out a one page list describing what athletes should [Read More…]

No she said I don’t want to try again…why bother? The same thing happened last time
It was so humiliating. Those performance problems! I know every guy experiences the disappointment once in awhile. But it seemed that either I couldn’t get [Read More…]

Is Low T Syndrome Hurting Your Workouts?
Look at Pierre and you’d think, this is a guy in great shape. And he is — he works out 4 days a week [Read More…]

This Hormone Gets Rid of ED (and you don’t need to buy it)
Here is an amazing way to avoid anxiety and stress around sex. The Dopamine track.You know how you’ve heard me discuss the two tracks that we can be [Read More…]

Don’t take Cialis or Viagra until you read this
Don’t take Viagra or Cialis until you read this: Here’s the simple fix that works better than pills I felt like I was the only one… Again and [Read More…]

These three testosterone secrets saved my marriage
“These three testosterone tricks saved our marriage” This is for you if they have told you ANY of these things: It’s stress, you’re just anxious! You need [Read More…]

Don’t take testosterone supplements until you read THIS
Warning: “This combination” is deadly to your manhood – and most doctors don’t even think of testing for this. I imagined fixing my testosterone: That [Read More…]

Do you have Low T Syndrome? And how can you get it fixed if you do?
Do you have Low T Syndrome? My name’s Vic and I discovered I had Low T Syndrome… …And, the supplements I was taking were making [Read More…]

My workouts sucked – until I got my Low T Syndrome fixed — here’s what I did
“My workouts sucked. My sex drive was in the toilet. And I couldn’t get hard worth a damn.” There I am at the power rack. [Read More…]