That doesn’t make you toxic, ha! It makes women want you
Hey, Matt Cook here, and supposedly men with high testosterone are more assertive and aggressive than other people.
The reality is that many studies show that men with high testosterone actually have a lot of empathy and feeling for other people.
But, there is no question that…
…testosterone also helps men get what they want in the world.
In the old days, women had babies and supported them…
…while men went out and hunted for food…and earned a living for the family.
Testosterone was very helpful for that role because it involved winning an animal on a hunt or beating other men competitively, for higher status.
Over the last 30 years, men’s testosterone levels have been plummeting.
And they always are talking about so-called “toxic masculinity.”
I have found that having a high testosterone level is nothing but beneficial.
In fact, I couldn’t imagine life without it.
Everything just comes a lot easier to me. That’s why I often tell a man…
I think that the greatest gift you can give yourself is a high testosterone level.
At the same time, you don’t want to just raise testosterone, you want to lower estrogen and all the other inflammatory hormones.
I found over years and years, that there is a fairly simple way to raise testosterone levels while lowering estrogen and prolactin.
As a result, for years and years my testosterone has been around 900.
And, my bad hormones such as estrogen and prolactin are in the normal range or low normal range.
Here’s how I’m doing it — and you can do this too
–Matt Cook