No more excuses — this makes her squirt
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and let’s be honest with each other…
As men, we love sex!
We love satisfying our partner in an intimate long term relationship…
And I don’t see anything wrong with that.
It’s natural. It’s normal. And it’s fun!
And now I’ve found a way for any man to activate a woman’s super soaker mode…
Aka: squirt.
Squirting is when fluid comes gushing out of a woman, often accompanied by intense O’s.
So suddenly it’s like she has a Super Soaker between her legs!
The thing is, she can’t squirt by herself. Vibrators won’t hit the mark.
She needs you and your jackhammer. And it doesn’t matter how big yours is…
In fact, too few know how simple it is to activate a woman’s super soaker mode…
Simply penetrate her this way to make her squirt (even if she never has before)
–Matt Cook