Winner of the 21 Day Waistline Challenge

Here’s how to claim your prize

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and it’s time to announce the winner of the 21-Day Waistline Challenge…

Are you ready?

Out of more than 50 Challenge participants, a big enthusiastic congratulations goes to…

…Roy W.

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Woohoo — you’re the Waistline Winner, Roy!

That’s fantastic. We’re all giving you a big pat on the back right now.

But even better, we’re presenting you with the grand prize — 6 months of FREE health and intimacy coaching with me, Matt Cook.

Check your email inbox because we’ll be reaching out to get you set up right away.

And to all our other participants, you deserve props too.

You were very worthy Challengers — it was a very close race!

And because you played along with us and gave it a real go, you’re getting a prize too…

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…a $20 “same as cash” coupon to use on any size order of Urgent Libido Assist…

…Dr. Ari Magill’s sensational breakthrough supplement for men who want a high male drive now and decades from now.

Please hit REPLY on this email to claim your coupon code.

And again, thanks so much for joining us in this Challenge. It’s been a lot of fun.

And keep your eye out for the next one, coming soon…


–Matt Cook

P.S. This fat loss Challenge may be over… but it’s never too late to lose fat and replace it with muscle!

In fact, I’m holding a small Fat Loss Coaching Class right now that you can still be a part of.

I’ve managed to make room in my schedule to open up this class to 5 more men

So if you’re interested in losing fat fast and keeping it off for good, without deprivation diets or back-breaking workouts…

Click here and sign up for coaching at a price that works for you